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Jade Fitzpatrick
Rôl cofrestredig
Gweithiwr gofal preswyl i blant
Gohiriwyd tan 21/03/2022
Roedd hwn yn wrandawiad o bell drwy Zoom -
Yn flaenorol Keys Group
Math o wrandawiad
Addasrwydd i ymarfer

Crynodeb o'r penderfyniad

It is alleged that Jade Fitzpatrick (RP2) whilst employed by Keys Childcare, failed to maintain an appropriate professional boundary and/or formed an inappropriate relationship with Young Person 1(YP1) and that her conduct was sexually motivated. It is also alleged that Ms Fitzpatrick sought further employment in the care sector and did not disclose she was subject to an ongoing investigation by Social Care Wales and subject to an interim suspension order.

Crynodeb o honiadau

Honnir bod Jade Fitzpatrick (RP2) tra’n gyflogedig gan Keys Childcare, wedi methu â chynnal ffin broffesiynol briodol a/neu wedi ffurfio perthynas amhriodol gyda Pherson Ifanc 1(YP1) a bod ei hymddygiad wedi’i ysgogi’n rhywiol.